You've talked about hosting your website and Websitebuilder. Do you have a recommendation of the best place to purchase a domain name from? Does that matter?
Well, here's what I would recommend on this. So again, working with clients over the years, there's been a lot of times where we've had to rescue websites because they weren't sure where the domain was or where the hosting was, they had a guy that set it up or whatever. So I highly recommend just for ease of access is buying domains on GoDaddy. The reason is that GoDaddy is such a big company, and if you have a challenge or a problem with your domain, you can call and talk to somebody on the phone. And there's not a lot of the domain providers out there that you can actually do that with.
We had a client recently that they had a change in ownership in the company. Nobody had the information on how to access their GoDaddy account, but the domain was on GoDaddy. So GoDaddy gave them means to provide additional information, to show that they owned that domain because it was their business name. Their business website was sitting on that domain. And so they were able to get access ultimately to that domain since it was on GoDaddy. So it's just much easier to do that. So I highly recommend doing domains on GoDaddy.
Where you actually host your website, I think GoDaddy is trying to get better, but I've never been a fan of hosting particular WordPress sites on GoDaddy. Our host of choice is called SiteGround,, for hosting websites. So much better technical customer service on the site, on a platform like SiteGround than others. And of course, you can connect that domain from GoDaddy to SiteGround, to [inaudible 00:02:16] your website. If you're using GoDaddy's website builder, then that's going to be on GoDaddy and that's fine. So that's my two cents on that.
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