Digital Marketing Dude

How to setup a lead magnet to capture emails on Wix Website with Mailchimp

Peter Brissette • March 7, 2025

Christine Gregory - March 05

VIEW RECORDING - 24 mins (No highlights)

@0:00 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Hi there.

@0:01 - Christine Gregory

How are you today?

@0:03 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

I'm doing all right. How are you doing?

@0:05 - Christine Gregory

All right. Thank you. Thank you so much for meeting with me today.

@0:09 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yeah, I'll be to you.

@0:11 - Christine Gregory

Um, I do apologize. have a little bit of a dry throat coughing happening. So I apologize if I start coughing right there with you.

Um, so I actually got your name from John Shields, who I met with last week or the week before.

Um, and he said that you caught me with maybe some questions about like different links and using QR codes and all that fancy jazz.

@0:39 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)


@0:40 - Christine Gregory


@0:41 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yeah. Back to you.

@0:43 - Christine Gregory

Awesome. So my questions, um, I'm trying to understand how to create a PDF so that I shareable with other people.

That's my first time.

@1:02 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Do where are you creating the document right now?

@1:07 - Christine Gregory

So originally I was creating them in Canva and then saving them as a as a PDF. Yeah, but I can't understand how to make that into a link.

Yeah, yeah.

@1:23 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Okay. Do you so do you have a website right now?

@1:28 - Christine Gregory


@1:30 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

And where's that website? it WordPress or what kind of website are we talking about?

@1:35 - Christine Gregory

It's with Wix.

@1:38 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Let's see here, Wix, Wix, Wix, Wix. Let me just do a quick search here. There's a couple ways to do it.

So, um, here's what, here's what I would recommend. I'll just show you, I'm going to show you on a, it's a different platform, but it'll be the same principle regardless.

SCREEN SHARING: Peter started screen sharing - WATCH

I don't have any clients with wicksites right now.

@2:39 - Christine Gregory

Um, let's see.

ACTION ITEM: Set up PDF download page on Wix site, add opt-in form, connect to MailChimp list - WATCH

@2:42 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Let's use this one here. So, ideally what I would say is, I would have a page on your website.

@3:18 - Christine Gregory

Come on.

@3:21 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yeah, let's see. Let's pick. Then that's got a button on it, link one, that's fine. All right, so we're going to have this page, and then on the page, we're

Alright, so I'm going to hit preview here. So now when I click this button, it's going to open a link that will have the PDF.

Okay, so at that point, so we got two ways here, so we can have a link to this page.

So this page is my website dot com forward slash new page, and you could send that link to them, which is kind of a good idea because here's why.

You can use this link directly to the PDF, right? I like about doing it this way to my page because I might update that PDF and make it better or changes.

somehow or edit it. And then all I got to do is re-upload it and connect it to the button.

Whatever materials already have out there that are linking to this page are still going to stay the same. Whereas if I change this name or anything like that to that PDF, now I got to, you know, if I use a QR code or something like that, I got to completely re-create it.

So I prefer with PDFs to just have a page where I put it, and then just have a button where they can download it from that page.

And then that link for that live page is the link I share. So whether I send that in an email or connect a QR code to it, however, you know, you want to do it so they can download it.

@6:52 - Christine Gregory

Awesome. now my next question on that is if I, I'm having trouble creating an opt-in,

@8:00 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

this button out. So this form, let's see here, manage form. So basically, I'm going to have something like this, whoops, come on.

Okay, so the forms, you know, hey there, get my free download, put in your name and email address, hit submit.

Okay, again, it could be a pop up on the page or it could just be a full page. So then again, if you're going to share that page on social media or somewhere else or send it in an email, then they're going to a page, but you could have a pop up on your website as well.

@9:19 - Christine Gregory


@9:20 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

And then within the back end of Wix, then you should be able to set on this form, you know, what happens after it's submitted.

So do I send an email, it's an email go out, you know, do I redirect it to another page?

So in that case, then you could redirect to the page where the PDF is and they can just see each.

So here's the basic email message. Click here to download. And then here's the page, my website, gone forward slash download.

That takes them to the page where they can click the PDF and download.

@10:19 - Christine Gregory

Okay, cool. Awesome.

@10:24 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

So yeah, that's kind of the most simple version of that.

@10:29 - Christine Gregory

Yeah, you can always make it more complex.

@10:33 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

There's lots of tools and systems out there, but just within the basics, I'm pretty sure within Wix, you could set all that up and at least, you know, have something functioning there that will get the job done for you.

@10:46 - Christine Gregory

Okay. Um, my next question on that is, I'm also using, so I have my website through Wix. is where it's probably too complicated for me.

ACTION ITEM: Experiment with creating both inline and pop-up forms in MailChimp, embed on Wix site - WATCH

Website through Wix, but I have my email and step through like my email list through MailChimp. So is it easier to just combine it to and have it all through Wix or is it possible to still work through both of those?

@11:14 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Well so in that case you know so the your email signup form what you can do with MailChimp is I should have asked you that question ahead of time so I didn't I didn't confuse you again still use your website to put the I'm still gonna use the website for your where you put the form but within MailChimp you can but there might be two ways to do this one in MailChimp you can create a website form that's you know name email hit submit and it will you know send it into MailChimp so then it's on that list

So you can embed that form here. So what most websites have, like Wix, has some kind of widget, like we call HTML widget, where from MailChimp, you're going to say in-bed form, there's a place in MailChimp to embed form, and once you set it up, it's going to say copy this and put it on the website.

So you copy that, you stick it in here, and once you update that, it will show that form that you just made inside of MailChimp.

@12:43 - Christine Gregory

Yeah, I've tried that before, and it was unsuccessful. I don't know where the disconnect was, but I did try to embed it.

And it doesn't act as like a pop-up. It just never shows up.

@12:57 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

So it depends on, yeah. It depends on how you created it in MailChimp, so I think MailChimp will let you either create it as a pop-up or as what it inline form, so yeah, so then you can set up that reply email within MailChimp and again I would say send the link to the website where they can download it.

If you want to share your screen like login to MailChimp and share your screen we can look in there and see what you got set up.

Let's see if we can tell why it's not working. you

SCREEN SHARING: Christine started screen sharing - WATCH

@14:11 - Christine Gregory

Okay. So. Okay, so this is my mail chimp and if I go to sign up forms, I think this is where I did it.

Yeah, so I tried to just do some example just to mess with it.

@14:57 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)


@15:00 - Christine Gregory

And now I can't see where to, oh, continue. Okay, your form is ready, copy and paste into, so now I do this into Wix, right?

@15:13 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)


@15:14 - Christine Gregory

Okay, let's see if I can. Yeah, and that's an inline form, not a pop up. Oh, so how do I know it's an inline form?

@15:28 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

It's, it doesn't really say, but it's. It's, it's an embedded form that has another option for a pop up form, which is a different.

It's a different one. Oh, create pop up form.

@15:53 - Christine Gregory

Yeah. Mm hmm. Okay, but I can still like, once I create a pop pop-up form, then it's still an embedded thing.

@16:03 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yeah, you still copy the code, but it's a little bit different how you set it up, and it'll give you the instructions on where to paste it, but because it has different functionality.

So we're an embedded one, you create a page, and you just take that embed form and pick where you want it on the page, where a pop-up, you've got to put the code in a different spot, so that it will, when someone comes to the website, it will pop up and they can, they'll see it and they can fill it out.

@16:35 - Christine Gregory

Okay. Okay, well, I'll experiment with that. Yeah.

@16:45 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

And again, my recommendation is I would do, I would have both, because you may have situations where you want to do different things.

So find it, have the pop-up for visitors to the website. lot of people just click on. off of that.

But, but when you're promoting, hey, get my thing, you need to send them a link where they can put their name and email address into you.

So if you're going to do, you know, QR code or suit them an email, here's the link where you can get this, put your name and email in and you'll get it.

So I would have, I would have both just so that you've, you know, you've got the most options. Mm hmm.

ACTION ITEM: Create QR code using free online generator, link to desired landing page - WATCH

@17:29 - Christine Gregory

Okay. Awesome. And then that brings me to QR codes. So I have a link tree that has a QR code on it, but how do I create just like my own QR code?

Is that possible?

SCREEN SHARING: Peter started screen sharing - WATCH

@17:43 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Easy. Let's see. And you're already using canvas. you can do this Okay, look. uncharted interesting. What does that mean?

@18:27 - Christine Gregory

How exciting. I love camp.

@18:30 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

I love. I love camp, by the way. I'm not a gravity designer, but I pretend like I'm one when I use camera.

So the way I do it is I create a blank image. A thousand pixels by a thousand pixels square.

Just so it's a decent size and. a decent resolution wherever you put it. And then if you. Go to the apps and then just look up QR code.

@19:13 - Christine Gregory

Can I do this in the free version or is this the premium version?

@19:19 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

I, you should be able to do it in the free version.

@19:21 - Christine Gregory


@19:24 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yeah, and then you just send it your email. Or email, enter whatever domain. So this is my website if it's your landing page, link, whatever, put the full link in there, generate code.

@19:47 - Christine Gregory

Oh my gosh, that was so easy.

@19:50 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

It drops it in there. resize it so it's that full size, name it whatever. Download it and then you can throw it on whatever you want to throw it on.

@20:05 - Christine Gregory

Oh my gosh.

@20:06 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

That was so easy Yeah Awesome cool For some reason it's not It's got to be the paid version you just go to Google and do Qr code generator Skip past the sponsored ones go here Then same thing Yeah, I'll accept your cookies

And it'll generate right there and then you can download it.

@21:05 - Christine Gregory

Okay. So with these ones, I feel like I tried to do this before and I don't remember the website, but I think it like expired or something.

Is that.

@21:17 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

I mean, it's a, it's a set graphic that points to that website. It can't really change.

@21:26 - Christine Gregory

Oh, okay.

@21:28 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

It's a fixed thing. If your link, your link could change like if for some reason this link was no more valid, then the QR code is not going to work because that link's not available anymore.

@21:40 - Christine Gregory


@21:41 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

So if you had landing page. As the URL, but then you came back and you changed it to. You, you know, add in a dash that QR code that you had longer work because you changed the name of the page.

@21:59 - Christine Gregory

Okay. I see. Awesome. Well, that was all super easy. you so much.

@22:08 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yeah, you know, it's there are no secrets, really. Information you don't have yet. Great.

@22:19 - Christine Gregory

Yeah. I feel like I had one more question and I was expecting to sit here and just like take a million notes and it all seems like way easier than I thought it was going to be.

But yeah, the PDF to link was one. The QR code was one. And then I had one more and now I can't think of But thank you.

This was super super helpful.

@22:47 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yeah. if you think of it, just shoot me an email if it's just, you know, one quick question or whatever.

Yeah, I'll get back to you with an answer. But yeah.

@23:01 - Christine Gregory

It's normal, no more regular stuff, but that's good stuff, right?

@23:05 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

ways for people to opt in and, you know, get your things and capture emails. So whatever you're doing in your marketing, you've got a way to move them off the social or if you're doing in person or however you're doing it.

Getting up on your list so you can follow up and do all that other stuff.

@23:23 - Christine Gregory

Very cool.

@23:24 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

That's the next level.

@23:29 - Christine Gregory

Awesome. really appreciate you. I know your time has ended early, but you answered all my questions.

@23:37 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Well, these were easy ones today, so.

@23:42 - Christine Gregory

Next time they'll be harder, it's all right. I was just going to say, if I come across more questions, is it okay to reach back to you?

@23:50 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yeah, yeah. You can always book again, no problem.

@23:52 - Christine Gregory

Awesome. Well, thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon.

@23:57 - Peter Brissette (Digital Marketing Dude)

Yep, we'll see you.

@23:58 - Christine Gregory

All right, sounds good. Have a good one.

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