Hello there. Peter Brissette here, Digital Marketing Dude. Welcome to this month’s marketing message and here this month we’re continuing our three tip series. I’ve got three tips for all kinds of things. This month we’re talking about the care and feeding of referral sources.
Believe it or not even though I’m the Digital Marketing Dude, I believe it’s really important to nurture your referral sources and that that can be an ongoing source of new business for you that may be the best aspect of all of your marketing. And here’s why. Often we are focused on the marketing to a cold audience. Meaning people out there who’ve never heard of us, who don’t even know who we are, who have zero relationship with us and we spend a lot of money, energy and effort trying to reach those.
And depending on our business, oftentimes those who already know us and like us and have done business with us, those often are actually the best sources of new business for us. And if we spent some time and effort and possibly even money on working with those we may actually get a better lead source and a more consistent lead source than doing the cold marketing and cold advertising. I think there should be a combination of that in any business working your cold market and your warm market.
Three tips for you here that I’m going to share today. First of all is that not all referrals are the same. You should have some way set up in a spreadsheet or a database, CRM system, something that specifies this is number one, a referral source and then number two that this referral source is a one a two or a three. Meaning one means this is a really really great referral source. I need to have more touches with this particular referral source. A number two might mean well, I need some touches with them but not as much. And then level three is, they’re a referral source and they might send me something if I ask them.
How can you do that? It might mean that a level one referral source is something that you touch base with every singe month, 12 months out of the year. And maybe you send them a birthday card and an anniversary card. You go the extra mile for that particular referral source, because one, they have access to your clients, type of clients that you’re looking for or they’re really a big fan of yours and they love to send you referrals.
The level two might mean, you need to reach out once a quarter and touch base with this person. And maybe it’s a card, maybe it’s a note, maybe it’s a phone call, maybe it’s a cup of coffee. And then finally, the level three might mean they’re just on my monthly email list and I reach out and I touch them on a monthly basis and that’s what we do.
Look at your referral sources. Look who has sent you referrals in the past. And then begin to track that. That’s tip number two. How do you track your referral sources? Are you actually measuring that and tracking who they are? Even if it’s just in a simple spreadsheet you can track how many referrals have they sent me in the last 12 months? How many could they send me in the next 12 months? And then what do I need to do to nurture the relationship with this individual?
And then third, if you really want to take it to the top level, find a way to serve them. If you can find a way … Even though you might not be referring business back to them but they’re referring business to you, there’s probably some way you can serve them or help them. And it could be so many different ways that you can do this. It could be gift cards, it could be thank you notes, it could be inspiring messages. Think of a creative way that you can build and nurture and serve this particular relationship in an authentic way, in a caring way. Not just because you’re trying to get business.
That’s important. We’re all here to try to make profitable businesses but at the end of the day we want to feel really good and find great meaning in what we’re doing. And so this is a great way to do that in nurturing and building those relationships.
Those are my three tips for you this month in The Care and Feeding of your Referral Sources. Another aspect to your marketing that you can spend some time thinking about. If you’d like to strategize some ideas, feel free to reach out and schedule a quick 15 minutes call with me. I would love to do that. And once again it’s Peter Brissettee, The Digital Marketing Dude, with your Monthly Marketing Message. Have a great month.