All right. Welcome. I want to go over a couple of things here. Welcome to the monthly marketing message. Peter Brissette here, digital marketing dude, and we're doing our coaching training call. A question that I had come up was, one of many questions, was Facebook events. So if your Facebook hasn't changed yet... Probably has. Oh, if you like, you can temporarily switch to the classic Facebook. Wow. Look at that. This is the new version of what it looks like. It's kind of annoying, but thank you, Facebook for... Always changes things. But wanted to talk about events.
So I had a couple of folks ask about ways to promote their events that they were having. And it's like, well, we got a great way. It's called Facebook Events. And so if you go to your Facebook page, it should have these options here on the left, and you can go into events, and see your past events down here. And then of course you can create an event. So is this an in-person event or an online event? You get to choose. So let's say this is an online event, and... Yeah.
All right, here we go. So we're just going to say our monthly marketing message training coaching call. And let's say that was going to be today at 11:30. I don't think you have to have an end time. Location is if you're doing a location. It's public. Our monthly training call. And category. So we'll call this... What will we call this? Call this other. Okay. And we'll go next.
Location. And we're going to do Facebook Live, so you can schedule on Facebook Live. External link or other. So you could put other instructions, or if you're going to link to something. So it could be a Zoom link, for instance. So let's see here if we can... Get to our Zoom link.
Whatever. We're just going to do this. And click next.
Then you can do a cover photo. So your cover photo... I'm not sure the exact size of the cover photo, but normally... Let's see here what we can do. I want to go to... Let's go to... This is taking me too long. Let's see if I can get something here. How about operations? Presentations?
Let's see. Just trying to find a good size. [inaudible 00:04:24] here. Here we go. Nope, that's in there. Let's see if we can get one out of Facebook one-on-one. This is probably... Well, it's a postcard size. [inaudible 00:04:58] print. Here we go.
So, not great image there, but you can play with that. I always recommend for creating graphics for your socials, so you can easily find templates for Facebook events. So here's your Facebook event cover, so 1920 by 1080 pixels on this one, it shows. So you can do that. That's a bonus for you.
And that's it. So then you can create the event. You can also preview this, desktop or mobile. So here's your event. And then what you're able to do is actually boost the event. And then you're able to get some insights on that. So if I wanted to boost this, I could decide... So the content's already there, it's not a special category. So then I can choose my audience. So do I want to do this locally? Do I want to do it all over the country? So you get to dig in here to exactly age groups, men, women, radius, distance, and then this will give you an idea how many people are potentially in reach. And then you can always dig into more detailed targeting inside the ads manager as well.
And then set your number of days. He wants this to run for five days. End date, so we got that.
Oh, well. The date is today of the event. So the event would have to be in the future. So we'd have to change that. Then you could set the number of days, you could set the budget, how much do you want to spend. That'll give you an idea how many reached per day. And then if you're using your Facebook tracking pixel as well, which is just the tracking code for that.
So that's basically it. Just wanted to give you a quick overview of Facebook events. Hopefully you found that helpful. If you have questions about that, and more details, be happy to answer those. So you can ask those wherever you see this video. That's all for me today. We'll see you next month.